フェイスリフト・目の施術・若返り治療なら サフォクリニック【東京 六本木】

Medical Tourism

Sapho Clinic Appointment Window for Customers from Overseas

【Guidance regarding Appointment Process】

Please read the following appointment process. If you agree on the content, please check each box.
After you confirm and check all of them, you can access to the appointment application form.

  • Appointment Application Form:

    ・Please type in it in Japanese.
    ・A detailed description will facilitate the doctor’s consultation.

  • Fees:

    Operation fees will be quoted according to the type of surgery.

  • Payment:

    ◆Please pay the operation fees in advance as follows after the operation is scheduled.
    ・Total amount of the operation fees: When the appointment is fixed.
    *When we confirm the payment, the operation schedule will be fixed.
    *Please send the copy of the remittance slip or receipt as an e-mail attachment after the completion of remittance.
       (The photo of the copy taken by a phone camera will be fine.)We need the copy to confirm the payment.
    *Please pay the handling charge for remittance on your side.

  • Cancellation Fees:

    ◆The following cancellation charges will apply in case of cancellation.
    ・10 to 1 day(s) prior to the operation date: 50% of the total amount of the operation fees.
    ・On the day of the operation: 100% of the total amount of the operation fees.

  • Blood test:

    Please take a blood test in your country in advance or at Sapho Clinic.
    ・When you take it at Sapho Clinic, the blood test fees will be included in the operation fees.
    ・When you take it in your country, please take it within one month before the operation.
       And please e-mail the test results by 1 week before the operation.

  • Interpreter:

    ・Only Japanese is available at Sapho Clinic.
       Please note that Chinese is not available.
    ・Please accompany your interpreter when you visit Sapho Clinic without fail.
    (Except when you are fluent in Japanese)

  • Remarks:

    ・Do not receive any surgery for 6 months before the operation at Sapho Clinic.

  • From Consultation Appointment to the Surgery:

    ◆Appointment Process:
       Appointment request using the appointment application Form → Quotation → Appointment
       date confirmation
    ◆Operation Process
       Consultation → Operation → Next-day treatment → Suture removal
    *You have to receive a complete set of the procedures including the suture removal at Sapho Clinic.
    *Do not make an appointment for the operation before obtaining a VISA for Japan.
    *We accept an appointment for consultation only.





営業時間/10:00~18:00 【日曜休診】




  • 白壁理事長
  • 白壁聖亜
  • 白壁理事長


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